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Grime Music 2023

New Music Friday Recap

July 2, 2023
Finding the latest bangers released last Friday, so you don’t have to! By now you guys should know that Friday is deemed, “release day” within the music community. Most acts feel it appropriate to drop their music on a Friday. There no actually reason as to why this is done, but hey, this is how things are done. On the

Biggest Tracks Of March

Deciphering what tracks banged in March, so you don’t have to. As stated in my February article, it does feel as if this year, artists will be offering up a lot of music to their fans. This means that there are bound to be hidden gems that go under your

New Music Friday Recap

Keeping you up to date with what bangers have been released. Here we are, another Friday. As you should know by now, new music tends to land on a Friday. Regardless of your musical preference, there will always be something released that will tickle your fancy. Check out the recently

New Music Friday Recap

Checking out this weeks music releases, so you don’t have to. Here we are, another completed week. New music has been releases and we’re here to tell you what tracks banged. Nippa recently released a track that some are saying is a contender for track of the summer. Titled, “Reverse”,

New Music Friday Week 47

December 1, 2023
Giving you a list of bangers, you need to check out! And just like that, we are back for another round of new releases. Throughout the week and depending on where you look, you will be privy to new music from artists. Artist no longer direct their music through one

New Music Friday Recap

September 15, 2023
Advising you on the recently released gems, you need to be checking out. With another Friday now upon us, artists have now dropped the music they have been hyping throughout the week. The anticipation is over and fans can listen to their favourite artists’ new music. If you’re just browsing

New Music Friday Recap

September 8, 2023
Letting you know what tracks you need to press play on. With it being Friday, this means that there are tons of releases out today. As you should know by now, it’s our job to keep an eye out on release day and let you know what tracks you need

New Music Friday Recap

July 21, 2023
Checking out this week’s music releases and informing you of the tracks that banged. Another week has passed and with that, comes another week of releases. A lot of Grime music dropped over the last couple days, so let’s get into these tracks! Duppy is back with another release that

Silencer Drops Slamdunk Rally Visuals

March 13, 2023
Silencer aka Teddy Music, is a creative who has been delivering Grime tracks for a number of years. When you heard the ad lib, “Tedddddy”, you knew you was about to hear a serious track. A few months ago, Silencer released his project titled, ‘First Treatment’. This is a Grime

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