The Drumsheds in Enfield always offered lively events you just had to apart of.
Regardless of the genre, they always seemed to put on great shows. With a lively crowd and acts you loved, Drumsheds made it so you just had to attend.
Some of our favourite acts have graced The Drumsheds. We have been in the crowd to witness a Defected takeover and Black Coffee bring the roof down.

One of the sickest events to date came courtesy of Kano. Attendees believed Kano delivered one of the best nights of their lives with his performance.
Now it seems with all these great events under their belt, The Drumsheds will be closing the chapter on their current stay.
Don’t feel down for too long as they insist on announcing a new location in London imminently.
We have some great memories and want to wish The Drumsheds good luck with the future. Regardless of the new location, we will most definitely be in attendance.

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