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New Music Friday Week 47

December 1, 2023
Giving you a list of bangers, you need to check out! And just like that, we are back for another round of new releases. Throughout the week and depending on where you look, you will be privy to new music from artists. Artist no longer direct their music through one medium. With social media becoming an increasingly major marketing tool

New Music Friday Week 56

Giving you a couple bangers to press play on. With the weekend almost here, comes another round up of the latest tracks that bang. Everyone has their preferred choice in music. But with so much good music around, there’s no doubt a newly release track that will tickle your fancy.

New Music Friday Week 61

Showing you a couple of gems, you need to press play on. And just like that, another week has concluded. You know the deal now by now, right? Dope tracks are released on a weekly basis. These tracks may slip under your radar, but that’s where we come in. We

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