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Events 2023

Amnesia Announces Opening Party

February 18, 2023
At last! The long winter wait is almost over. The doors to the world’s most famous club will soon be swung open. The lights will go off, the lasers will come on and we will dance together again at Amnesia’s iconic opening party on May 13th 2023. This year you are invited to immerse yourself in the mesmerising geometry of

Biggest London Events This April.

Rummaging through this April’s events, to let you know where you need to be! With April comes the Easter Holidays and everyone finally gets the chance to relax and go out. But with the holidays comes a large of events as promoters attempt to capitalise on party goers having free

London’s Biggest Club Nights This March

As previously stated at the beginning of the year, festivals aren’t just for the summer period. We’re now firmly in 2023 and you’ve probably experienced your first event of the year. In January we expressed our concern that you guys may have experienced tepid club nights, due to the pandemic.

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