House Every Weekend’s David Zowie Exclusive Interview

June 1, 2020
3 mins read

Beyond Noise caught up with David Zowie recently for an exclusive interview to find out a bit more about his upcoming release and underground anthem ‘House Every Weekend’, as well as find out a little more about the man himself.

So tell us more about the upcoming release House Every Weekend. What were your Influences behind the track?

My main influences behind the track were to make something with that early 90s feel good sound. I love that era – I’m from an Old skool, hardcore garage background and wanted something with that repetitive early 90s vocal.

The track has a distinct style, how would you describe your production style?

With my background I’ve produced music from varied genres from RnB and Rap to Reggae and Garage. Because of this I always want to produce music with that feel good factor.

You’ve taken the number of people in the industry by surprise with your rapid raise. How did you get into the industry?

I’m 32 now and have been making music since I was 14, I used to have an Atari ST so I’ve always made music really. I used to be in an urban vocalist group and we used to sing at competitions so I’ve always had love for the music. Back in the days I used to put out my own music. Saving up money, working jobs, a couple months here and there just to raise money to put out the next dub on vinyl and then push it out at few records shops. So I wouldn’t say I’ve ever really been in the industry, I’ve always been on the edges really.

I just did it for the love of it really not even for the money. Part of me wishes all of this happened ten years ago! Call it fate. (Showing his old skool roots DZ starts singing a rendition of ‘Call it Fate or What you are’….Old Masterstepz track for those who don’t know).

Your upcoming release is getting a lot of love. Why do you think people have got behind the track?

It’s a feel good song, it’s got that bassline charm and sound, people can relate to the vocal – House Music Every Weekend.

The vocal is very distinct, how did you come up with the hook?

I had some acapellas on an old Nervous Records vinyl – I was sorting through my old PC and came across part of the vocal and thought it would be great if I can change it slightly to say House Every Weekend and it when from there really.

Has it taken you by surprise the support the track received?

Yeah, complete surprise this is one of the first tracks I decided to push out online and allow people to hear, as I used to be a bit funny about that before. Magician picked up the track and played it in a mix back in September. It then got picked up by Annie Mac who heard it on Magicians mix and it started from there.

We’ve heard some amazing remixes from you recently is there anyone specific you would like to work with or do a remix for?

The sky is the limit really; I’d love to work with Madonna for example, but anyone with real talent really.

You’re at a number of events this year what event are you most excited about?

MTV crashes Plymouth – I’m on the flyer with some massive acts so that’s the one really I’m a little worried about as I’ve only had the one track so far.

What should we expect from David Zowie for the rest of the year?

I’ve got a few Gig’s coming up, I’ve also got my second single late summer as well as an underground mix complication CD. I’m spending time in the studio; I’m currently working on a remix of a Tiesto track.

Should we expect the same sound for your next release?

Well, it’s summer so it’s going to be similar in style, but I am working on some more Tech underground stuff, which I’m looking forward to.

UrbanHouseMusic, would like to say thanks to David and Listen-Up – we’re sure 2015 is going to be the breakout year for this talented producer and DJ.

Watch this space……and if you didn’t know, here’s his underground smash due for release 5th July. House Every Weekend. Enjoy!!!

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