Gorgon City Take It Deeper With Our Banger of The Week ‘Go Deep’

March 10, 2020
1 min read

Gorgon City Never Let Us Down

Gorgon City never let you down as their catalogue demonstrates. Said back log of super dope tracks means out of respect for how sick these guys are, you HAVE to check out any song they bring out cos to be brutally honest, you know it’s going to be a banger. And that is exactly what this next track is… a hidden gem of a banger!

If you’re looking for the perfect song to drift you out of reality and into the universe of Chilled Out / Deep House Music with some addictive vocals enabling it so you have no choice other than to get up and sing your heart out, then ‘Go Deep’ featuring Kamille & Ghosted is exactly what your House Doctor should be recommending. Oh wait… we are recommending it for you!

A super chilled out track with a lovely voice on the vocals that holds it’s own and doesn’t overpower the beat or get drowned out by said beat, Gorgon City, Ghosted and Kamille pairing up in the future is something we want to see more of especially if this is going to be the result. Bangers!

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