Exclusive Interview With J-Onyx

October 6, 2021
3 mins read

With her latest release, ‘Chop The Bummies’ doing the rounds, we got the opportunity to speak with J-Onyx. From her previous releases and freestyles to what tracks she’s messing with at the moment, we got it all.

Let us in on who J-Onyx is? 

J-Onyx Is a hard hitting no bull, commands space type of artist. J-Onyx is also a creative who can’t be boxed I can literally make any genre of music!

Describe your sound in 5 words 

Based on what people have heard so far I’d say deep tone, hard hitting, raw, jumpy, and reflective however there’s so much more to come that will show you depth, life journeys, strength and purposeful!

The visuals for ‘Can’t F With’ are strong. How did this track come about?    

I was hugely let down by a few who I viewed as my closest and also by a few others I put trust in. I was in a space of not being able to trust many people so I needed to get that off my chest and really saying that I’m apart from everyone and I can’t trust many people and keeping circles extremely tight! 

Chop The Bummies’ is a very catchy tune. What was the inspiration behind this track? 

Much like ‘Can’t F With’ I was in a space of really looking at everyone and everything around me and assessing what need to be chopped! ‘Chop The Bummies’ is fun and makes you dance but has a message of cutting and chopping anyone or anything that isn’t good for your space or energy!

As we’re new to you, we’re not aware of the history behind the face paint. Is there one or was it just done for those specific videos? 

It’s funny because this whole thing came about when I expressed to my manager I didn’t want to be seen as I’d prefer people to take in my music and not decide whether they like it based my figure or what I looked like. It’s important to me people gravitate to my music based on the content! I also expressed I didn’t want to wear an actual mask and that’s where the face painting makeup come up and I loved it it means I can change the design to suit the mood of whatever song we are shooting a video for! However there will come a time when there’s no face painting makeup and after that it will make cameos every so often!

What 5 tracks did you discover during Lockdown? 

Fountains – Drake ft Tems 

M Hunco – Bread Butter 

Blxst- Overrated 

M Way- Whole Lottta Guap 

Cleo Sol- Don’t Let It Go To Your Head 

Those songs /album I’ve been banging out and going through right now each different vibes but gets me in my many different feels and emotions one day I’m singing love songs next day I’m a gangster lol.

Locking through your catalogue, we heard the ‘Charged Up’ freestyle. Liked what we heard and wondered, will you be dropping more freestyles on your channel? 

Yes definitely we got some freestyle in the bank so every so often I’ll remind my audience I still got that fire in fact I may drop a couple soonish 

Who would be your dream artist / Producer to work with? 

Dream would be Timbaland or 40 such amazing producers, UK I got TyMetronome that’s all I need!

Artist I would love to collab with Drake or Lil Kim or a Lauryn Hill and in the UK then a K-Trap or M Huncho or Ms Banks every artist I mentioned are undeniable goats in their own respectable lanes… my sound would be a compliment to their sound 1000%

What’s your favourite Youtube Channel and why? 

I wouldn’t say I have a favourite YouTube channel however I would watch and listen to mindfulness seminars and videos, those help me to keep a level head and keep my mind in the right head space and keep me sane and that whatever I’m going through someone in the world has experienced it or even going through something worse. Other than that it’s GRM, Amaru Don TV and trendcentral. 

What is next for J-Onyx

We have a few things in the pipeline still a new single next month then show in my hometown Croydon which should be followed by an EP or Mixtape but for now we chop chop chop the Bummies on this release and you’ll see the next one we on some greasy ish.

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