Exclusive Interview With Endor

July 20, 2020
3 mins read

We got the opportunity to have a talk with Endor. From Pump It Up to what he would do with a pet Elephant, we covered it all

Endor it’s great to get some time in with you. Firstly how are you doing during these uncertain times?

Hey thanks for chatting to me, I’m doing pretty good thanks. Enjoying this different pace of life.

Describe your sound in 5 words

Rugged, raw, clubby, constantly evolving.

We all know and love ‘Pump it Up’, a dance floor filler for sure. Where did the idea for ‘Pump it Up’ come from?

Thank you! It was one of those rare and wonderful moments where I had a true brainwave – the kind that seemingly comes from nowhere. If I remember rightly, I was in the shower when I had the idea to mess with the vocal. I layered it over a house beat, added a bassline and it came together remarkably quickly.

How is it working alongside Defected? We got access to one of their live shows and it was mental.

They are a very cool label. They’re like a big family, in the sense that there is a real team spirit about them. They’re very tight and that was evident from the moment I stepped into their office. They were happy to let me work closely with them on Pump It Up and I was in constant dialogue with them. So full marks from me. I look forward to doing it all again somewhere down the line.

Which do you prefer using, Technics or Pioneer?

If I’m jamming at home, Technics. If I’m playing out it would probably have to be Pioneers so that I can worry less about the mixing and more about reading the crowd.

Listening to your remix of Boyfriend by Mabel and we love it. How did this remix come about?

Thanks! Mabel’s team got in touch and asked if I’d put my spin on the record. I was more than happy to work on it as I think Mabel is set to be a giant UK popstar one day (even more so than she is already).

What are your 5 favourite non-Endor Tracks you have to play in a set?

● Stan Garac – Never Leave U

● Pawsa – Nonstop

● Pretty much anything by Cloone

● Connor-S – 8

● Khalifa Cyrus – North Side.

We tuned in to your 1001Tracklists Virtual Festival set. You played some serious bangers in that one. How do you find doing these virtual festivals?

Cheers! They’re cool – I don’t have to use a portaloo when I go and do them and it’s a good chance to showcase my true sound without the pressure of a nightclub setting. They don’t pay quite as much though. In fact they don’t pay a thing… but it’s cool because I enjoy just playing music to whoever will listen.

What Festival did you enjoy playing at the most?

Beat-Herder would probably be the most fun. It’s a bit of a mecca for me.

Who would be your dream artist / producer to work with?

It would be sick to do something with the old G House crew like DJ Assault or DJ Protein.

What’s your favourite Youtube Channel and why?

Aww man, tricky one. It’s a toss up between VSauce and C Engineer. They’re both very different but equally nerdy.

What’s your favourite Disney film? (Don’t lie or cheat and say a Marvel Film lol)

Mulan!! Every time. I used to rewatch that so many times as a kid. Now you’ve reminded me it will probably get a look in tonight haha.

Do you follow football? If so, what team do you support? (hint, the correct answer is Liverpool)

Anyone BUT Liverpool haha!! I am a Spurs fan, but more recently I’ve adopted Leeds as my new team. The Leeds fans are some of the best in the world, not least for using “Pump It Up” as their chant haha.

You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What do you do with the elephant?

Is the Chinese ivory trade still booming? Nah just kidding. I would clear some space in my garden, it’s quite big so an elephant could have a pretty nice time there. I would charge people 10 bucks to come and see it. Then once I had made enough money I would ship the damn thing back to Africa or India, depending on how big its ears are.

Endor will stop everything he’s doing for what food?


Twister or Monopoly?


Who was your childhood crush?

The Olsen twins lmao.

The Wire or Sorpranos?

Ain’t watched either sorry!

What grinds your gears?

Our unhealthy obsession with social media.

Stage Smoke or Stage bubbles?

Gimme da bubbles.

Screwball Ice Cream vs Magnum Ice Cream who wins?

Ima go with Magnum.

What’s in the pipeline for you?

A stack of music which I need to get round to dropping, a few more live streams, and a lot more releases on my label Doctor Session.

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