Dawn Richard is pushing boundaries

May 12, 2021
1 min read

With her solo catalogue seemingly eclipsing her previous work as a group member, Dawn Richard has served up her latest album, ‘Second Line’. With her previous project hitting our sweet spots, she was tasked with creating another album with the longevity the previous one has.

This was to be no easy chore as fans still engage with her previous work, ‘New Breed’.  However her roll out for this album included tracks such as ‘Jacuzzi’ and ‘Bussifame’ (the second being one of our Bangers of the Week). These tracks accompanied by the vibrant visuals made us realise, Dawn was about to drop something special.

One of the highlights of the album is ‘Bussifame’. In what can be described as a call to the dance floor, Dawn brings out the House chords for this one. Bringing the dance vibes while displaying her rap skills, she talks her talk over a beat created to bring your footwork into action.

Drawing from her R&B persona, ‘Morning / Streetlight’ is a lengthy R&B track. Letting production lead as opposed to dominating the track, Dawn tells a beautiful love story.

Some of the more melodic tracks like ‘Perfect Storm’ relay a message of love. However prior to the song shifting tempo, it does feel like the chilled out part of the beat over power Dawn a bit.

Nevertheless there is so much great music on display here. Dawn is fusing genres of music and blending art for us all to consume. This should be celebrated as she is pushing through the boundaries set is music and going beyond the assumed goals.  

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