15 Essential Items For City Splash 2024

May 13, 2024
2 mins read

With the 2024 edition of City Splash just two weeks away, we have compiled a list of ‘must haves’ for the festival.

With just fourteen days left until the biggest celebration of Caribbean and African culture commences. You can be excused for thinking you have enough time to prepare for the event.

Reality is that City Splash is just around the corner and you need have your essentials confirmed as soon as possible.

To reduce the risk of outfit mishaps or dead phones at 2pm, creating a checklist of essentials needed for City Splash, seems like a great idea.

But do you have that checklist ready? Doubt it!

That’s where we come in, as we have created a checklist of those essentials you may forget on the day of City Splash.

Power Bank

Allow pulling up to the main stage with 10% battery, that’s not serious. You’ll want to be able to capture the moments from City Splash Festival from start to finish. And what better way to ensure you can do that, than with a bit of extra charge!

Comfy Footwear

It’s a festival and that means, you’ll be on your feet for around ten hours. Your feet will be sore, so to avoid this, make sure you’re wearing the comfortable shoes. We’ll be wearing crocs!


Most festivals operate with a ‘No Card’ policy. Just in case City Splash initiate this policy too, be smart and have about £20 in cash on you for drinks and food.

Rain Gear

It’s not going to rain on the day, but you never know. Packing a small rain coat will ensure your festival outfit is not ruined.


Queues for food and becoming unbearable, so we suggest making sure you have a few snacks on you for emergency situations.

Portable Fan

The weather report is suggesting City Splash will be a very hot day. Let’s not lose of energy before the main attractions, bring a fan to keep cool throughout the day


Fairly simply this. No ID, no entry


Again, with the weather set to be very hot. You’ll need something to wipe yourself down with.


This is the biggest one-day celebration of Caribbean and African culture. Be ready to dance and sing along to your favourite songs. Don’t bring no bad vibes!

Sun Cream

We don’t want anyone experiencing sun burn on the day. Bring a small sun cream to apply, just to be on the safe side.

Bandana with Your Flag On It

Self-explanatory, let everyone know what country you’re repping!


With greenery available to have a lay down. Bringing a towel may be wise if you wish to take the pressure of your feet for a moment.


Protect your eyes, bring those shades!


You’ll want every opportunity to make up noise on the day. In addition to this, a whistle can act as a good safety item!


You’re not going to know all of the bangers you hear, so download the Shazam app!

These items can help ensure you have a safe, comfortable and enjoyable festival experience.

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